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Monday, April 27, 2009

hi peepos.
and dead blog :/
anyway , we are glad to tell you guys ...
( *scream people.*)
ok , basically the chalet will be held at coasta sands resort(downtown east), the one that our first chalet was held at.same place cus alot of people wan tt place ??
it will probably be held in the first week of june hols..
bt if more than 4 ppl cant make it then we will try to change it to maybe the 2nd wk .
the price & date hasn't been confirmed ^^
bt just stay tuned cus it's gonna come up soon :D
ehh .. about the day(mon,tues..) .
ally prefers FRI-SAT or THUR-FRI.
jeshua - ANY day excp for SAT
vinod - ANY DAY
shirlynn prefers WED.
julia prefers WED
fiona prefers MON,TUES,WED,THURS or FRIDAY
natasha prefers MON, TUES or FRIDAY
abellona prefers TUES

( this list will be updated ?? ;x)

fiona & natasha

6:27 PM

We will still be FRIENDS F0REVER[:

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Hope you all will go into your desired schools,
& for those who did not get the marks they wanted,
dont lose hope & remember to continue mugging in secondary school!<33
for those who had 260& above, CONGRATS & you've truly done a great job :D
Well,the fivenineohseven chalet was,i guess,A SUCCESS?
so thks for all of u guys' support.
Hope you guys had fun there.
Hope i'll meet you next year laas.ahahs.<33
feeling boliao..
fioneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey here.

11:16 PM

We will still be FRIENDS F0REVER[:

Saturday, November 8, 2008

dear fiveniners,
the chalet is at downtown east costa sands,
because we dont have anybody who is a NTUC union member
the total cost has gone up
so for those who r sleepin over night please pay $5 more.
We are terribly sorry for this increase of the price.
but we dont have any other choice.
we have included food and the chalet cost.
but outdoor activities are not included.

10:50 AM

We will still be FRIENDS F0REVER[:

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Hi peepole!!
this are the details of the 5/9'07 chalet:
date:17-18 November '08.
venue: aranda country club 60
pasir ris drive 3

cost price:not confirmed yet,we nidda count in the food and stuff..so tis will take a while..:P
pls contact us for more info...(sijin,me,joanne or nat)
thanks for visiting the 5/9'07 blog..
and gd luck for your psle!!
loves,fiona :}

8:05 PM

We will still be FRIENDS F0REVER[:

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

hey the chalet is cuming up soon!
the most all of you world have to pay(if al least 40 pupils cum)
will be less than $15.
will be booking a executive suite [heehee]
at aranda country club most likely.
erm onli 1 night pls stay if you can.
it is gonna be soo much fun!
we will be inviting huang lao shi, ms pear and mr nizam.
the size of the suite is about the same as a normal flat.
(thats what i read)
will be giving out invitation cards on friday!
please reply by monday!
nid to book as soon as possible!
need at least 35 pupils than can book!
so please please please say u can go!
HOROAR! -ally{i am sijin ally is my nickname}

12:15 PM

We will still be FRIENDS F0REVER[:

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

UPDATES: PSLE coming in about a month.
Teacher's day just passed.
and err,we bought presents for including Ms Pear & Mu Lao Hu.
cus they rawk mah.
btw a poll for fun:
which teacher in the do u LOVE the most?(5/9 '07 )
1.Mu Lao Hu.
2.Mr Nizam.
4.Mrs Koh.
5.Ms Pear.
6.Ms Choon.

pls vote at taggyboard.
sry actually can really put an actual poll thr one de lar,bt lazy >.<
and err...end of PSLE must stay in contact kkz?
keeping it short & sweet,Fionaloves.(;

3:11 PM

We will still be FRIENDS F0REVER[:

Hello peeeeepole!(:
Do try to inform us if you are going anywhere during the December hols,so that we can plan the chalet,and nobody misses it.(:
I think most probably the pricing will be around $3/4? Hah.
Not confirmed okayy.
And these are some of the updates about our students!(:
TanYiJun: Dunman High,waiting list. Anglican High,waiting list.
MelissaWong: RGS,confirmed place.Cedar Girls',confirmed place,S'pore Sports School,confirmed place.
FionaKoo:Dunman High,rejected.CCHMS,unknown.
GabrielLee:Dunman High,rejected.Victoria,waiting list.
ShannonYap:Nanyang Girls',unknown.

That's all that I know uh,seriously.
If you want to know more,you can go up to that person and ask him/her. :D
I'm updating!
Melissa,the peacock. :D

P.S/I'm going to RGS:D

2:45 PM

We will still be FRIENDS F0REVER[: