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Friday, August 31, 2007

`BONJOUR PEEPS ! (I hope it means hello or something xD.)

Its the HOLIDAYS manns :D
I know that word is Faved by many :D
Although it's the holidays; we still have HOMEWORK to do wors D:
For Chinese pupils,
-One page of Chinese Diary.
-Chinese compo NINE .
-Finish the Xi Zi thingy .
-Revise fer the very 'CHIM' de chinese thingy !
For All Fiveniners,
-English test [:

Okay, have FUN during your holidays :D


10:46 PM

We will still be FRIENDS F0REVER[:

:DDD Just wanted to remind you guys, tt there is homework. :(
Anyways, I wish you guys a HAPPY HOLIDAYY!!! hahas. You guys rawk like nobody's


1:53 PM

We will still be FRIENDS F0REVER[:

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

lawls, it's not workin' nvrmind abt what i said earlier. :DD Harppy Holidayys!

Oh yea, strt workin' hard for the SA's. ALL THE BEST! God bless THE fiVENiNerrs.


6:31 PM

We will still be FRIENDS F0REVER[:

Hihi [:

Today was CRAZYYY fer the chinese pupils, yeaa.
Ahh, I better keep my mouth shut bout what happened D:
No homework today fer the CHINESE Pupils , say YAY ! i know I'm lame -.-
And tmr got Aces day wors :D
I won't enjoy it but I know you guys do !
Can burn alot of calories :X I know im EXTREMLY LAME :X
I also don't know much bout aces day, but just bring your PE ATTIRE !
Okay, i guess you all know your targets fer SA2 yeaa.
Let's kick KAVIYAN from hogging the limelight of being FIRST IN CLASS !
so.. must work harder and stop using the computer so much ><

Okay, enough of my crapp :X


5:38 PM

We will still be FRIENDS F0REVER[:

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Hello [:

I hope you guys had a meaningful day in school [:
Okay, we still have homework to do ]:
For Chinese Pupils,
- Chinese Xi Zi .
For the rest of you ,
English compre thingy.

Okay, thanks for the tags and stuff yeaa :D
anw, JYJY ;D to those who are going fer the rugby compeition !

Uhs; okay. Better be a guai kia lyk me and go do your homework now [:
Byee ! :D


9:48 PM

We will still be FRIENDS F0REVER[:

exams are over.ok, first i wanna CONGRATS to those who have great results-YOU PPL DID A GREAT JOB!!!ok...2 more days to the rugby!OMG i am damn excited man .HEY PPL who's gonna go that competition-JIAYOUS! we are gonna make it!!!
today's sch was quite fun leh.and Mrs Koh treat us ice-cream it was so fun.ALL the girl were sitting in the canteen in two rows. lyk some kinda lesbian party sehh.LOL.haha.and any gal wanna go watch movie???in sep holies???yea coz EXAMS ARE OVER need to relax mah...i think it's gonna be in mon to wed barh..coz it will be cheaper..taggies if u wanna go . ms pear is highly recommended to go(joking).LOL
ok, that's all for now, BYE

7:43 PM

We will still be FRIENDS F0REVER[:

Monday, August 27, 2007


Hope you guys had a funn day in school :D
Let's be good kids and not piss Ms Choon off k ?
- Research on NUCLEAR POWER !
-Sign your exams papers !
I think that's all for homework so far, unless fer your other mother tongue [:
Till then ,

6:23 PM

We will still be FRIENDS F0REVER[:

Saturday, August 25, 2007


Hope you fiveniners like the bloggeh !
All the edits and the skinn chosing was done by me yeaa; YUWENN !
EXAMSAREOVER and i know that you guys are chilling out there [:

btw, to all CHINESE pupils, you still have homework to do wors :D
-One page of Chinese Diary

Uhs ; okay. of you guys have any comments or anything just tag okay ?
That's all !


11:24 PM

We will still be FRIENDS F0REVER[: