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Thursday, September 27, 2007


Omg, I'm getting so hyped up over children's day ! I'm sure you peeps do too :D
Imgaine those presents ; I CAN FEEL THEM ALR -.-
Haas, enough of crap , just wanna wish you guys happy children's day , yeaa.


Oh man , I'm darn scared mans :X
Nvm, I belive FIVENINEwillSHINE (:
Anw, just to recap.
All - Jeans or pants or whatever . ( dark colours preferred )
Girls- Black Tops.
Boys- White Tops.

That's all I guess :D

10:00 PM

We will still be FRIENDS F0REVER[:

Saturday, September 22, 2007


It's the weekends again !
First , as expected; there's HOMEWORK . -urghhh-
For all rockers -
- Maths Problem Sums .
- English Test , Final Exam 1 .
For Chinese pupils -
-Xi Zi 8.1
- Test On monday
- Higher Chinese Paper fourr .

That's all I guess !
Hmm >< bout the music playlist ,
How bout making a Imeem Playlist only for fivenine ?
So, if you wanna add in new songs or stuff, you can just go to the fivenine playlist and add rather then creating new ones .
I think I'll make one thenn.
User -
Pass- fivenine
Upload any music you want(:
Btw, I upload the song GRADUATION , but the remix this time, I think it's nicer[;

And bout the tagboard ,
You can change it or whatever laa,
Er, joanne; I hope you don't mind,
But can you make the colours more suitable for boys and girls(:
No offence, but if you don't wanna change it, it's fine with me :D

Overall, if you wanna change anything ;
don't need ask me or anything de :D

Okay, what a long post !

8:14 PM

We will still be FRIENDS F0REVER[:

Friday, September 21, 2007

Hey ppl,
ur all wanna me post da fotos in Mr.Kek's farewell party?yeaa, taggies!i think got lyk, 50+ fotos leh, nvm la , WHO CARES?!and da 30+ min + videos?!yea,taggies!


4:19 PM

We will still be FRIENDS F0REVER[:

helo people!
i changed the playlist. but the old songs are still there hope you're dun mind me changing this stuff.really sry yu wenn i called ur hse phone u were not at home. i call ur hp you never answer. so i just changed it.=P really really sry but not much changed haha :) however if you want the old one back i still have it with me.=)

by tsj!

4:10 PM

We will still be FRIENDS F0REVER[:

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

two words -we lost


6:16 PM

We will still be FRIENDS F0REVER[:

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Hey Peepos :D
Please don't feel bad bout not winning the touch rugby thingy !
It's OKAY !
Fivenine knows that you all tried your best(:
You guys are AWESOME k. <3

Okay, time for homework ><
English comprehension thingy for EVERYBODY.
That's all !



9:25 PM

We will still be FRIENDS F0REVER[:

Monday, September 17, 2007

Hey Hey!
tomorrow is da Inter-Class Touch Rugby Competition liao!we'll be playing against 5/4.anyone knows if they're good?tell us pls....not we'll ne lyk losing lyk siao sia.okay, it's in da recess leh..can we have early recess?later run half way faint how?DIE ahhh.
,enough of da crapp le
okay bye peeps,

10:13 PM

We will still be FRIENDS F0REVER[:

hey anyone watch high school musical 2 ?
the songs rock if you have the songs,
must sent me k?

5:53 PM

We will still be FRIENDS F0REVER[:

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Hope you guys are enjoying your weekends yeaa.
I believe that the netball girls certainly enjoyed themselves !
But there's some holiday homework though ><

For all pupils ;
English Compo .
English Comprehension .
For Chinese Pupils ;
- Bring your tumbdrive or diskette for oral recording .

That's all I guess, please correct me if there's more(: Which I hope there isn't !
And I hope that you guys did your asnlearn alr yea ?
I know you all LOVE doing it[:
Okay, time to chill out people !
BYEE <3 `


8:21 PM

We will still be FRIENDS F0REVER[:

Thursday, September 13, 2007

just now, whewn mrs koh asked us to go, i really didnt expect every0ne to really stand us siaa. but me and julia immediately stood up and went back to our seats! woots!! nice** job 5/9 ;very daring!!

1:55 PM

We will still be FRIENDS F0REVER[:

Monday, September 10, 2007

HELLOH guys !
I know i sound happy or something, but I'm not. ITS ALL FALSE PRETENSE.
Okay, just gonna blog bout homework and stuff, yeaa.
For all pupils,
NO HOMEWORK . give a BIG smilee:D
For Chinese Pupils,
- Chinese Zuo Ye
-Corrections thingy
- Zhi SHi Bao
It's quite alot yeaa, I know.
Okay, time to do homework(:


8:00 PM

We will still be FRIENDS F0REVER[:

Thursday, September 6, 2007

happy holidays ppl!! remember to do your work.. and about the nuclear imformation that miss choon asked us to research on, what was the website again??Pls post in the tag board to reply.


signing off, Fionaaa[:

2:42 PM

We will still be FRIENDS F0REVER[:

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

The holidays are ending,people~ So get your butts cracking and start writing on the paperworks that Ms Pear,etc. gave out.Ahhs,this blog is a little dustier than before.Keep your posts ALIVE and keep tagging.I can SEE peeps tagging but pls don't give yourself such a name.Like "Nerdy Wonka." You are spoiling the reputation of Wonka's.Good reputation.
Okay peeple,remember that there is Chinese Sup. on monday.Make sure you come for it.><.Ok,gotta go now,peeps!
Melissa,WD the Player.

7:33 PM

We will still be FRIENDS F0REVER[: