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Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Hey people!
There's one more paper to go!Tomorrow is science. I guess everyone has a clear mind of what to study after 20mins of reminding from Ms Pear.LOL.Okay, she just trying to do her job as a VERY GOOD teacher.Come on FiveNine, let's mug hard today for the final exams!Don't let Ms Pear be disappointed!JIAYOUS , God bless us to have a EASY science paper tomorrow.Good luck too:D


1:31 PM

We will still be FRIENDS F0REVER[:

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Hello all Fiveniners :D
Just wanna wish everyone all the best for the end of years exams (:
God bless and hope that all of you will pass with flying colours !
Okay , time to mugmugmug ;

♥Yuwen ;

7:07 PM

We will still be FRIENDS F0REVER[:

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Mm , I think Sijin meant 98.7fm - Muttons To Midnight
FYI , it's a radio programme by Justin Ang and Vernon A :D
Btw, it on from bout 10 pm onwards ; kinda late .
I know that Priya also listens to 98.7 ; but she listens to Soo :D
The earlier programme uh .
Okay , that's all I wanna add on to Sijin's post earlier (:
Hope you don't mind bout this :P
Bye !

{/Yuwen :D

2:59 PM

We will still be FRIENDS F0REVER[:

Monday, October 22, 2007

hey ppl!!
anyone listen to muttons to midnight?? pls reply on tagboard if you do! heehee....
i know yu wenn and zaimie. i dunno the rest hope lots of u do haha!

signing off~ Soy Happy

6:45 PM

We will still be FRIENDS F0REVER[:

Monday, October 15, 2007

hey ppl! the holiday hmewrk has been written in our bloggeh so i wun write it anymore. oh and by the way, dun forget monday got mock test for chinese pupils. gotta go now~! cya!

4:13 PM

We will still be FRIENDS F0REVER[:

Hello ! [:
It's the holidays again :X No school for a week but tons of homework ): -blehh-
To those who have short term memory and have risk of of not doing their homework , I hope this will help (:

-English Test Paper
-Narnia Worksheet 3
-Narnia Worksheet 4
-Narnia Worksheet 5

-Unit 6 - Simple Machines
- Revision Paper 2
- Revision Paper 3

- Test 7
-Test 8
- SA2 Paper

- Tian XIe Yao Dian 8.2
- Zhi Shi Bao 35 pg 5-12
- Zuo Ye pg 80-90
- Zhou Ji

That's all I guess :D
It's CRAZY i tell you .
Oh well , gotta mug hard !
We'll shine , I believe !
With Kaviyan pulling our class average up and with me pulling it down :X

Have a nice holiday peepos :D

{-Yuwen :D

12:04 AM

We will still be FRIENDS F0REVER[:

Thursday, October 11, 2007

hello ppl. i am soy happi here haha. erm... english compo is hard. i hope i dun fail =/

5:50 PM

We will still be FRIENDS F0REVER[: