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Monday, November 26, 2007

Who wanna watch 'Enchanted' this Wednesday? Pls tell me in the tagboard..
ppl who comfirmed can go:
~ Si Jin
~Melissa(i tink.)

anyone else hu can come too pls reply in the tagboard..

signing off,


2:27 PM

We will still be FRIENDS F0REVER[:

Friday, November 16, 2007

-REMEMBER. that we have PSLE prep courses during the school holidays and these are the times and dates if u r unaware.
Gathering point: St.Hilda's.Primary.School Canteen.
Gathering time: AM- 7.30p.m. PM- 12.40p.m
Dates of the courses: 19th,20th,21th,22nd and 23rd of November.

LISTEN UP choir members!!
- this Monday, which is 19th of November, the choir will be holding a party.Mrs Lee has said that if we do not wanna go; we can just skip the party for that day and go for our courses.
-the timings for our practices are:
19th Nov(Monday): 1-3 p.m.( NOT COMPULSORY)
20th Nov(Tues): 1-4 p.m,
22 Nov(Thurs): 1-4 p.m,
23 Nov(Friday):1-4 p.m.

i am not sure 'bout the other dates. pls check it with the teachers.

signing off; Fiona.

4:24 PM

We will still be FRIENDS F0REVER[:

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

pls go n see my new blog and leave a message on the tagboard thxs heehee!

written by allytsj

6:21 PM

We will still be FRIENDS F0REVER[:

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

erm abt my party,
things to bring are- ~$3 and more ($3 is to pay n rest is for arcade if we can go.) ~extra clothes to bath
~n mayb ur personal stuff

n we r going to eat pizza hut for dinner,n play some games but they are all very boring. Sry

n the ppl confirm are
~Yu Wen
Did i miss anyone out and does anyone want to go?
(some gals only)
oh ya date is this saturday 17 Nov
time is 2.30-whatever.(meet at the side gate of Tropica)
the address is blk 53 #09-04 The Tropica Tampines Ave 1 S(529772)
its jus a gathering no nid to buy presents thxs for coming!
erm and sleepovers are very welcome.i do not haf piano on Sun!
but wheather u can sleepover is depending on my mum.
if u want to sleepover pls bring toothbrush and one more set of clothes.
(dun nid bring swimming costume we might be going to the arcade instead.)

written by ally adding on to fiona's post

2:52 PM

We will still be FRIENDS F0REVER[:

Monday, November 12, 2007

Regarding Ally's class party, these are the details(If i'm not wrong):

it will be held at : Ally's Hse.
Date: This Saturdae.
wat to bring:some money,swimming suit?,extra set of clothes??

Well, i dunno whether this is comfirmed or not.. u guys can ask Ally.
And.. ALSO regarding 'bout the guy who keeps spamming at our class blog:
  1. We have sort-of blocked him from coming into the blog. But who noes?Maybe he's in a Internet Cafe or something.
  2. If this "person" is looking at this post now, i will really encourage you to stop spamming at our class blog.SPAM at your own if u wan^^
  3. We do not know who that "person" is but is checking more 'bout his info...
  4. Pls tell me where the Class Chalet will be held;what date and what time.^^ty^^ imform me in taggyyboard!!

Signing off,

your class chiobuu;


6:53 PM

We will still be FRIENDS F0REVER[:

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Hey people

I have an important thing to say: Recently, someone had tagged as Fiona And Soy Happy
about some crappy thingy.It s NOT they who tagged it.If any one tagged something offensive again, i will tell Ms Pear.Whoever you are do not tag offensive things again.


6:38 PM

We will still be FRIENDS F0REVER[:

Friday, November 9, 2007

Hey people!

Do you guys wanna stay overnight at a chalet during the holies?i think it'll must probably be $80 and if each of you wanna go you needa pay $2?I think we'll be booking the one near escape theme park.And i think not any guys will come.


8:55 PM

We will still be FRIENDS F0REVER[:

Thursday, November 1, 2007

YaY! The horrible exams are over. Hope every five niner gets good results for every subject( except me, i suck). Well, i hope Mrs Koh won't start teaching us again so soon and by the way, who's going overseas during the Nov-Dec hols? I'm going to Australia! Yayx! Hope i get the bag that i wanted for my christmas present. Oh yeah peepole! Whaddya guys want for your christmas present? Plus, todae i went to TM! So fun! I bought Coco-Cola candy from mini-toons! In fact, while i'm typing right now, i am eating them! Wish everyone will get what they want for their christmas present! And.... i got a new address for my blog peepole. I oso wrote that in the tagbox. It's

Signing off, NaTTy

4:38 PM

We will still be FRIENDS F0REVER[: