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Friday, December 14, 2007

Hey people!
I am watching a movie with Yuwenn , Fiona* , Shannon*, Si Jin and Melissa*. Anyone who wanna watch please tag in the Cbox and tell me. We will meet at the Mac's that is
inside the Tampines mall at 11.45.
We watching 'Alvin and the chipmunks' .Anyone wanna come pls tag.

*not confirmed

12:13 PM

We will still be FRIENDS F0REVER[:

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Hey living people of Class Fivenine 2007 :D
I know some of you are curious bout which class are your classmates are going ?
So , I decided to create a list base on my own knowledge . Please kindly tell me if I put the classes wrongly yeah :D
Here's the list in no particular order :
  1. Abellona - 6/9
  2. Abhinandhan - 6/9
  3. Abigail - 6/10
  4. Kaviyan - 6/9
  5. Roshini - 6/9
  6. Vinod - 6/9
  7. Zaimie - 6/8
  8. Firdauz - 6/3
  9. Joanne - 6/8
  10. Zhiyang - 6/9
  11. Anisha - 6/9
  12. Gautam - 6/9
  13. Fatin- 6/9
  14. QuanZe - 6/10
  15. Freda - 6/10
  16. Gabriel- 6/9
  17. Priya - 6/9
  18. Navinn - 6/9
  19. Yijun - 6/9
  20. Gregory - 6/9
  21. Yongzhi - 6/10
  22. Christina - 6/9
  23. Isaac - 6/8
  24. Jeremy - 6/7
  25. Darshanna - 6/9
  26. Spencer - 6/9
  27. Jeshua - 6/9
  28. John - 6/10
  29. Aniq - 6/3
  30. Shirlynn - 6/9
  31. Shermaine - 6/9
  32. Fiona - 6/9
  33. Natasha - 6/9
  34. Shannon - 6/10
  35. Sijin - 6/9
  36. Kapeela - 6/9
  37. Julia - 6/8
  38. Audrey - 6/8
  39. Rebecca - 6/10
  40. XinHui - 6/9
  41. Janelle - 6/10
  42. Melissa - 6/9
  43. Yuwen - 6/8
  44. Jordon - 6/9

I hope I diddn't miss out anybody xD . And yeah . I dropped ! Ohwell , I guess I hafta work harder next year !

Lol . I did miss out somebody ><>

Cheers !

Yuwen ;

10:26 PM

We will still be FRIENDS F0REVER[: